Monday, December 31, 2007

Book DeCluttering

We have a lot of books and I find it very hard to part with them. Here's good advice on how to do it for when I'm ready.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Rock Band Clutter?

Good thing for us we have a whole extra room for our Rock Band! I would hate to add clutter to our house!

Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto

It didn't take long for it to be clear that Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's return to Pakistan to provide her nation with a democratic alternative to the military rule was at high risk for her personally. She wasn't a flaw-free politician (is there such a thing?) but in recent weeks, I have grown to admire Benazir Bhutto's bravery. As many have said "Freedom is not free." Now we can wait and watch to see if the price she paid will, indeed, be a step toward full democracy in Pakistan.
Here's a link to a moving tribute.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sunlight for the People

My first link to post isn't very political so I tried to give a politico title. Actually, it's just a link to a site with info regarding SAD (seasonal affected disorder). G and I have started using a light box most mornings for 30 minutes. Not sure if have SAD but I hate the winter darkness so I thought it couldn't hurt to try. Here's the link.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I've owned the domain name for a long time - more than six years, I estimate. My first vision was that it would be a website resource for liberal perspectives on national and international points of interest. Such as a liberal's reaction to visiting the slave quarters at Mount Vernon or Independence Hall, etc. The dream of such a site is still just a dream but I've decided to start using this site as a web blog similar to L's Hopefully, just short entries with links that have caught my eye.