Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sam Harris on Gov. Palin

Although, in my opinion, Sam Harris is a bit heavy handed in his comments regarding Sarah Palin's religion, he raises many good concerns regarding her candidacy in this Newsweek editorial: http://www.newsweek.com/id/160080

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sleaziest, Most Dishonest?

My recollection of past campaign ads was that they insinuated untruths. This campaign, McCain and Palin ads have had total blatant lies in them. And now, it appears that Rove and I agree expect instead of calling it lying, he says the ads are beyond the "100 percent truth" test.

What I wonder is when the American voters are going to decide that eight years of having a president misleading them is enough.

Rove: McCain went 'too far' in ads - CNN.com

Monday, September 08, 2008

Women Against Sarah Palin

Not too much for me to add to the many thoughts posted on this blog:
Women Against Sarah Palin

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Family Values

The Republican ticket is headed by a man who courted his current wife while still married to his former wife and his running-mate is a proponent of abstinence-only sex education despite results of studies showing its ineffectiveness.

That's not my idea of family values.

Here's references:



I'm going to repeat a theme from my previous post but it totally irks me that their slogan is "America First" when it is quite apparent that Sen. McCain's selection of running-mate was totally politically motivated.