Friday, August 29, 2008


If you didn't know what pandering or irony are, this post is for you. The "other side" has provided great examples this week of both....

IRONY - This column is a great summary of the irony I was already appreciating with regards to the request some had for conservatives to pray for bad weather for Obama's outdoor speech:

PANDERING -Senator McCain's selection, today, of Gov. Palin as his running mate is the most extreme example of pandering to an extremist wing of a party that I can ever recall. ...and that's saying a lot. Many have said that his real intent was pandering to Sen. Clinton's supporters. However, if the Republican's presumptive Presidential candidate had really wanted to pander to Hillary Clinton supporters, he could have picked our Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell. She has years of experience as both a legislative leader and two term Governor. Oh that's right, he couldn't do that since she is pro-choice in some situations.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mass. Senators' Speeches - Best So Far

Even most of my liberal friends aren't paying too much attention to it, but I love watching the Democratic Convention every four years. Perhaps it's my appreciation for diverse rituals but I even love the Roll Call which each state boasting in turn.

How great that Sen. Clinton and Michelle Obama are both so so right that Sen. Clinton's candidacy has almost entirely broken the glass ceiling. It will seem so much more natural for the Sen Clinton or which ever woman runs next.

And of course, I love all the liberal-hearted themes that run through so many of the speeches. My favorite two speeches are by the two Mass. senators....Kennedy's as the most sentimental and very heartfelt and Kerry's for so well summarizing the case for Obama's presidency. I'll add links to the speeches in the next day or so.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 Political Action: 10 things to know about McCain

I know the following link is from a Political Action Committee but my liberal heart and I usually agree with the positions of Move-On so I find their take on McCain to be worthwhile reading. Here's the link: Political Action: 10 things to know about McCain

Monday, August 04, 2008

Science Stories are Important

Great commencement speech by Ron Krulwich at Cal Tech on the importance of telling engaging stories about science.

By the way, I strongly recommend "Radio Lab" podcasts. Most of them are very engaging stories.